We help home sellers who want sell their home with NO hassle, for moving easy!

Frequently Asked Questions.

What is Clever Seller? A data company

  • Data Company: We are a data company mainly.
  • Win-Win Sales: Since we are all about data, we can pay more for homes then most other home buyers!
  • ​Clever Seller is headquartered in Boulder Colorado. 

How does Clever Seller make money?

  • By reselling the home:  We do not have the goal to buy low, and sell high. We make competitive fair values that factor in the risk of reselling the home. 

“But it sounds too good to be true.”

  • What do you have to lose:  Homes only sell when a homebuyer and homeowner agree on a sale,  price and terms, this just makes the process easier

Is this the future? We think so.

  • Cell phones changed the world: Big data and Artificial intelligence is the future, and this method puts more money in YOUR pocket, with most families’ largest asset, your home. 

Why should I sell to direct to a homebuying company? 
It's just smart..

  • Easier: No endless showings, no repairs, no tire kickers going though your closet. 
  • More money:  No commission, no pre-market repairs, no extra months mortgage
  • Pick your closing date: What more do you want?

What if I don’t think the offer is fair, or win-win?

  • Never any obligation: Don't accept the easy move.
  • It's your home: You are free to counter back at the value.

Are there any fees to request an easy move? Nope

  • No Fees: We are a data company  that buys homes. 

Who is really buying my home?

  • We are, a data company: All about more options for YOU!
  • We only contact homes that fit families criteria: We are a data company, and only contact the homes that fit the exact needs of what we feel we can pay the MOST of of money for!

Do I need an agent to participate? Nope.

  • It's your home:  You can pay anyone you want for anything..
  • We are looking to pay today real market value: We are service to sellers. NOT trying to buy low, and sell high, we just take care of all the headaches, and hassle that homeowners normally have todo themselves to get your home ready for the market.. 

Can I get an offer on a home that currently listed? Nope

  • Nope: You already have gone though the work to prepare for the open market, and obviously don't need our help. 
Clever Seller is a company that purchases homes, fixes them up, and then either holds the homes for long term, or resells them to other home buyers. Offers are made based on market value and repairs needed. One or more of CleverSeller owners, employees, and or affiliates may also be licensed real estate agents, salespeople, or brokers at affiliated or unaffiliated brokerages. 
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